Loop handle bags


Transparent, white or colour, they are available in the sizes and thicknesses you require. Printed or without print.


Nowadays every shop needs to have packaging tools. Loop handle bags are highly popular as they have numerous advantages and are of very good quality.

Loop handle bags have much space in them, enough for the goods you have bought; you can also put the merchandise in them in any way you like. Of course, loop handle bags have other advantages as well; their handles are very comfortable and fit well in the hand, therefore they do not chafe your palm.

We sell different types of loop handle bags in various colours and sizes, and if required, they can be custom printed; this way you do not only get practical packaging tools but also excellent advertising space.

Order loop handle bags from us and provide your customers with a convenient way to store and transport what they have bought and use the bags to advertise your enterprise as well!

We also offer biodegradable loop handle bags with TÜV Austria OK Compost Industrial certification. The bags are available in different sizes and can be custom printed. For more details, contact our salespeople.

Click here to see our prices.